
In this profile, the controller runs on the on-board Raspberry Pi computer, and exchanges signals with the robot directly.

The robot exposes its sensors and motors through its ROS interface. Even though the controller is running on the on-board computer, it still talks to the robot through this network interface, so a controller built for this profile is essentially the same as one built for the other profiles.

Please do not modify any of the pre-installed software (anything in ~/mdk, in particular). If you do, you will be unable to update the software on your robot and will compromise the provision of support.

Getting Started

With this profile, everything happens on-board the robot, so you don't need to make any special preparations on your workstation. You will, however, need an SSH client.

To get started with this profile, you need first to connect your robot to a network. Use MiRoapp to note down the network address ("IP address") at which MiRo has connected.

Next, log in to MiRo.


You can now control MiRo as follows—the robot will swing its head from side to side. Press CTRL+C to stop the controller.

$ cd ~/mdk/bin/shared $ ./client_test.py yaw ...

There are various example clients provided—see Examples for more details.

Please do not modify any of these examples, or add examples to this directory. Please make a copy of an example to another directory and work on it there. Modifying any of the pre-installed software will make it impossible to update your robot and will compromise the provision of support.