You will not normally have to open up MiRo's head shell, and should avoid it if possible since reassembly is a little fiddly. If it is necessary to get inside the head, however, this page details the procedure.
We strongly advise against operating MiRo with any cover removed since this can be a hazard (see Safety).
- Move MiRo's neck into an upright position by applying pressure with your hand.
- Undo the three hex-head screws on the underside of MiRo's head securing the upper part of the shell to the lower part using the MiRo head-opening tool.
- You can now lift the upper part of the head upwards.
- Disconnect the cables between the upper and lower part (pitch servo, USB connector, SPI connector) noting their location for reassembly.
Visually locate the pillars where the three securing screws are fitted and ensure they will not be fouled by cables during assembly. Visually inspect the underside of the main board and check that the two camera ribbon cables are secure. Refitting is then the reverse of removal, taking care not to overtighten the screws.
If you have any difficulty reinserting screws, reopen the shell and double check that the mounting pillars are not fouled by cables or other components.