
On this page, we'll have a look around on-board MiRo, after logging in, and see what's there that you might want to work with.

Therefore, all the work on this page requires you to first log in. We will then use the terminal prompt to issue commands.

Everything on this page has an analogue when using the MDK on a workstation, but the results may be a bit different.

Operating system

You are logged in to a Raspbian Linux operating system.

miro@miropi:~ $ cat /etc/os-release PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)" NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux" VERSION_ID="9" VERSION="9 (stretch)" VERSION_CODENAME=stretch ID=raspbian ID_LIKE=debian HOME_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/" SUPPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianForums" BUG_REPORT_URL="http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianBugs"

Terminal environment

You can list MiRo-specific environment variables and some information about the robot using the command miro_info which is provided by the MDK.

miro@miropi:~ $ miro_info [ MIRO ] MIRO_BRIDGE_FLAGS=l! MIRO_DIR_BIN=~/mdk/bin/arm32 MIRO_DIR_CONFIG=~/.miro2/config MIRO_DIR_DUMP=/tmp/miro2/dump MIRO_DIR_LOG=/tmp/miro2/log MIRO_DIR_MDK=~/mdk MIRO_DIR_ONBOARD=~/mdk/bin/onboard MIRO_DIR_PID=/tmp/miro2/pid MIRO_DIR_SHARE=~/mdk/share MIRO_DIR_STATE=/run/user/1001/miro2/state MIRO_DIR_TMP=/tmp/miro2 MIRO_DIR_TRASH=~/.miro2/trash MIRO_DIR_USER=~/.miro2 MIRO_DYNAMIC_IP_MATCH=^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ MIRO_DYNAMIC_IP_WAIT=60 MIRO_EDITION=2 MIRO_MDK_RELEASE=R210921 MIRO_MULTITOOL=~/mdk/bin/onboard/multitool.sh MIRO_NETWORK_MODE=dynamic MIRO_ON_ROBOT=1 MIRO_ROBOT_NAME=miro MIRO_ROS_RELEASE=kinetic MIRO_SPEAK_IP= MIRO_STATIC_IP= MIRO_SYSTEM=arm32 MIRO_SYSTEM_UPDATE_SCHEDULE=never MIRO_TOKEN=miro2 MIRO_USER_SETUP=~/.miro2/config/user_setup.bash MIRO_WEB_PASSPHRASE= [ ROS ] ROS_ETC_DIR=/opt/ros/kinetic/etc/ros ROS_MASTER_IP=localhost ROS_ROOT=/opt/ros/kinetic/share/ros ROS_MASTER_URI=http://localhost:11311 ROS_VERSION=1 ROS_IP= ROS_PACKAGE_PATH=~/mdk/catkin_ws/install/share:/opt/ros/kinetic/share ROSLISP_PACKAGE_DIRECTORIES= MIRO_ROS_RELEASE=kinetic ROS_DISTRO=kinetic PYTHONPATH=~/mdk/share/python:~/mdk/catkin_ws/install/lib/python2.7/dist-packages:/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages [ ROBOT ] Clock: Thu 28 Oct 11:49:57 BST 2021 Software release: R210921 Battery voltage: 5.40V Bridge: running IP address:
On a workstation, this command will give similar results, but the section [ ROBOT ] will be empty.


The MiRo Developer Kit (MDK) is on-board the robot at ~/mdk. If you are a Developer, you will find that the on-board MDK has many similarities to the off-board variant, but with some additions and deletions.

miro@miropi:~/mdk $ cat README This is the MDK ("MIRO Developer Kit") for MIRO-E. The MDK provides all the tools & resources required by a user for working with their robot (or with the robot simulator).

ROS clients

Controllers for the robot take the form of 'ROS clients'. Several example clients are provided, and can be found under ~/mdk/bin/shared. Here we run one of the simplest examples, on-board.

miro@miropi:~/mdk/bin/shared $ python ./client_read_battery.py ('subscribe', '/miro/sensors/battery') wait for connect... 5.33278369904 5.33278369904 5.342856884 5.34688615799 5.344871521 ...
Since the release of the 2020 edition, the MDK has moved to use Python 3 by default, whilst the robot still uses Python 2. As a result, running example clients on-board now requires the explicit call to python (Python 2), as shown above.
You can find information on all of the examples in this directory on the Examples page.

Configuration files

Whether working on-board or off-board, MDK configuration files are stored in the same place. We can list them as follows.

miro@miropi:~ $ cd ~/.miro2/config/ miro@miropi:~/.miro2/config $ ls -1 demo_parameters.py platform_parameters serial_number simulation_parameters update_config.190801a update_platform.R190518 update_platform.R191016 update_platform.R200720 update_platform.R210210 user_setup.bash

See Configuration Files for more details.